Honor Bands
Audition Submission Deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 1st by Midnight
Things to know
● Audition cost is $5 payable to the school you attend.
● Participation Fee – $35 if accepted to the group payable to the school you attend.
● Once submitted to the online form the audition fee is non-refundable.
● Accepted participants’ directors will be notified by Monday, Nov. 7th.
● You will pay audition and participant fees to your school or school’s music boosters. Ask your teacher which
How to Record your Audition
Rehearsal Dates
● You will need to sign in with your google account to upload recordings. You have a google account already if you are an ESD student or have a gmail account.
● Auditions do NOT need to be recorded in the presence of a teacher
● Video submissions only – video should include as much of your whole body as possible, specifically showing
your hands and face.
● Each etude should be a separate video recording.
● Practice recording before the real recording! Find the correct distance from the recording device to give you
the best sound.
● Percussion must choose 2 of the 3 instruments - Record all excerpts of selected instruments.
● Video files must be under 100mb per file. (That is roughly a 1min 20sec video at 1080p, 30fps) Many phones
record at much higher settings. 4K recordings are not necessary for this audition.
● Minimize or edit dead space at the beginning or ending of your video to limit file size.
● Have all recordings ready before filling out audition form.
If you cannot attend ALL listed dates and times for all rehearsals and the concert, please do not audition for the group. A missed rehearsal will result in you being removed from the group. There can be no exceptions to this rule.
11/15 TUES. Rehearsal #1
7-9p @ MVHS
11/29 TUES. Rehearsal #2
7-9p @ MVHS
12/6 TUES. Rehearsal #3
7-9p @ MVHS
12/8 THURS. Rehearsal #4
6-9p @ MVHS
12/9 FRI. Rehearsal #5
9a-4p @ MVHS
12/10 SAT. Dress and Concert
Dress rehearsal 9-11am
Concert @ 7pm
guest conductors
High School Honor Band


Middle School Honor Band

Please have any student fill out the form and return it to you with a check to your school or boosters. Paper forms should be due to you before Tuesday, November 1st.
You will receive an invoice for the audition fee payments from LCRMEA. Please pay this as soon as possible as this will help to pay for music and other upfront fees.
Judges will listen to students blind (except for percussion) and they will never interact with the audition subject. This will ensure that teachers judging their own students can remain unbiased.
Packets for accepted students will be compiled DATES GO HERE and put into the pony to your respective schools the next day. You will then receive them 4-6 days later.
By auditioning, each student is already confirming their acceptance if chosen to participate in the honor group. (The paper registration form that they turn into you confirms that availability.)